Monday, May 30, 2011

I don't know....Google it!

I have always wanted a cool dictionary that provides a better comprehension than the ones that I already had. Glad I stumbled upon the Google dictionary that was added to a series of service extensions by Google Inc. You just type in some words and they'd come up with the meanings that are clear in understanding. For instance, I provide you with the words that I'd typed in recently...

Facebook - A stupid website for stupid people who only want shit.

Mahatma Gandhi - A great man who is unfortunately dead to use Google.

Lady Gaga - A lady who uses Google.

Relax - A thing that some people should learn how to do, especially the Journalists.

Information - The thing that Google makes instantly available to anyone for free. And that makes us their enemy? Explain that logic to me while you teach the journalists to relax.

Privacy - An over-rated thing that people should learn to chill about. (Synonym - insignificant)

Victim - A nice company like Google who gets attacked for no reason. (Synonym - Google, of course)

Nonsense - Reasons why Google is attacked. (Synonym - Privacy, Facebook)

Jesus Christ - A person who made people's lives easier and then was crucified. (Sounds familiar?)

Monopoly - A word termed by the morons to sound smart at News Channels who don't have a clue what that means.

YouTube - A cool website where you can see how crappy Yahoo is.

Computer - A thing for using Google.

Search - Google.