Friday, June 24, 2011

By nature people will like...

Great men quote things. It reflects their experiences in life. When Robin Williams said ''God gave men one brain and one penis but sadly enough blood to run only one at a time'', we knew he shagged bitches and transgender hustlers. We knew that for sure because it was from his experience. While I've come across thousands of quotes in my life, one particular quote has intrigued me to the deepest pacific core. I started ruminating if anyone else had quoted on the same subject better than this astute genius who did first. And the answer I found was- none. Yes, no one ever said it better than Osama Bin Laden when he said...

''When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse''

Let me break this down to you alright. When people (by people, I mean men) look to have pointless shagging after heading a bar and they see a bitchy minge, it is rare that they think 'Hey that is great!'. But when they see a jilted chick who just wants the same they're, like,  ''Awesome that is so great!!'. And yet they both are women. By nature, men are drawn towards hot chicks.

Let's say you see a kitten. Fine, make it two kittens. One is nimble, fast and cute. The other one is dead. My experience is that people, by people I mean children, by nature go for the live kitten. They see strength in live kitten. And also, who wants a dead kitten?

Imagine, if you will, a great collection of Bollywood movies DVDs in front of you. All smash hits that are said to knock your socks off completely. In each, as you are told, one can see great passion, color and romance. Now imagine, next to those, a dead kitten. Which one would you choose? Personally, I'd choose the dead kitten!

When people- and by people I mean people like me, hear 'Big bang', they often think, Is that the show on NBC? But it is actually not. It is the cosmological theory that the show has borrowed the name from. Imagine you are a sitcom fan and purchase a Big bang DVD from a shop only to watch a drawn-out and lackluster documentary from BBC. You feel like an asshole right? I don't know why I'm telling you an  incident that is extraneous to the topic but it is really sad I didn't get my money back.

Let me tell you something about human nature. If people are given a choice between a nice roasted sandwich with pesto mayonnaise on warm pita bread and having to define the word ''rheostat'', the vast majority will go for the sandwich every time.

Try this one the next time you're in a meeting or a conference and there is a lull in the conversation. ''A neutron walks into a bar and says, ''how much for the drink?'' and the waiter replies ''For you, no charge!''. By nature, people will laugh. But not because it is funny. Because they feel sorry for you.

So I guess my point is that, as Mark Twain said, ''It is always better to keep our mouth shut and let others think we are fools rather than opening it and removing all the doubts.'' Now that is one hell of a quote Osama dumbass Laden...!!!

P.S I wanted to write this when he was alive but you know......I didn't want to die!!

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